10 Spider-Man Suits I'd like to see in Marvel's Spider-Man 2


We only have a few months in between us and possibly the best Spider-Man game ever made. What better way to pass the time than to make my own list of suits I'd like to see in this highly anticipated sequel? Without further ado, here is my personal top 10 list!

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Sam Raimi Symbiote Suit

Since Marvel's Spider-Man 2 story is symbiote focused, they have to have quality symbiote suit alternatives, and there's no better choice than my favorite symbiote suit from Raimi's 2007 film, Spider-Man 3. Spider-Man 3 was a love-or-hate film, but most would agree they did a great job with their symbiote suit. They already have the classic red and blue Raimi Spider-Man suit, so it's the perfect time to add this bad boy to the mix.

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Spider-Man Unlimited Suit

In one of the lesser popular animated series, Spider-Man Unlimited, one thing they got very right is their original Spider-Man suit. This futuristic nano suit looks great and even has a cape that would look sick with the new web wings glide mechanic. I would rather have a realistic take on this suit as Batman: Arkham Knight did with the Batman Beyond suit, vs. an animated series look, but I would gladly take either one regardless.

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Cloth Black Suit

I wanted this suit badly in the first game. Insomniacs' reasoning behind not including the symbiote suit was so they could do it justice, but that's not really a good reason to not include a cloth version of the classic black suit in Marvel's Spider-Man 1. We've seen the symbiote suit a thousand times in games, tv shows, movies, and comics. A cosmetic black suit was never going to hurt the impact of Insominac's own original symbiote suit, which turned out to look very much alive, along with having its own move-set to boot. The various cloth versions of the black suit seen in comics were not the actual symbiote and should look significantly less alien than Spider-Man 2's original symbiote suit.

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The Human Spider Suit

The very first Raimi suit from the 2002 film, The Human Spider. This suit is very nostalgic and was many people's first introduction to Spider-Man. The Human Spider suit (to my knowledge) has only been in the Spider-Man Movie game and has never been available as an alternative suit. After already putting in the signature Raimi Spider-Man suit in the first game, this one should follow in the anticipated sequel.

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Cosmic Spider-Man Suit

I'm really surprised this suit wasn't in the first game as its been in just about every Spider-Man game with alternative suits. The Cosmic Spider-Man suit (also known as Captain Universe) has made various appearances from the classic Neversoft game in 2000 to the mediocre Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie tie-in game. This suit just flat-out deserves to be put in the sequel from the number of appearances alone. It also happens to be one of Spider-Mans strongest suits, greatly enhancing his abilities along with new cosmic abilities. It'd be amazing to see what kind of suit ability they could do with this suit.

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Spider-Man 2000 Suit

A classic polygon Spider-Man suit based on the 2000s Spider-Man game would be a funny addition to the game, and it'd be a really cool way for them to pay homage to the first good 3D Spider-Man game. If you don't like the idea of more classic suits, think of it like this, there's going to be 100+ suits we're probably not going to wear more than once, so at least this one would pay respects to a Spider-Man video game that helped paved the way for all 3D Spider-Man games that came after it.

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Spider-Carnage Suit

Spider-Carnage originated from Spider-Man The Animated Series when a Peter Parker clone merges with the Carnage symbiote and couldn't be separated from it. It'd be a great symbiote alternative suit for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and it would be a great way to pay homage to one of the best, if not the best Spider-Man cartoons, without just doing another classic red and blue suit. You'd maybe think this would be a difficult suit to get the rights to, but that's proven false by the fact The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game had it in the last non-Insomniac Spider-Man game. If the mediocre Amazing Spider-Man 2 game could get this suit, there should be no problem with Insomniac getting this suit.

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Peter Parker Suit

While technically not a suit, it's always been cool to be able to go out web-slinging as just Peter Parker. To name a few games: Spider-Man (2000), Spider-Man The Movie, and Ultimate Spider-Man all let you play as Peter Parker. The reason for this not being an option in Marvel's Spider-Man 1 is (supposedly) because of Spider-Man's masked cutscenes, but I offer a simple solution. Just have the mask on during these cutscenes, problem solved.

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The Superior Spider-Man Suit 2.0

When Doc Ock successfully took over as Spider-Man and left Peter to die in his own dying body. Specifically, I want the second version of the Superior Spider-Man suit because it is... well... Superior. It would be a great addition to Spider-Man 2. One of my favorite Spider-Man suits, but they could be saving it for a future game, and I would be all for a Superior Spider-Man spin-off game like Spider-Man Miles Morales. Insomniac's Doc Ock is already dropping subtle hints by referring to his body as being worthless, so I see this as a strong possibility.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie suit would be an amazing addition (wink, wink). I'm surprised this suit wasn't in the first game. A lot of people like this suit, they already have the Amazing Spider-Man 1 suit, so there shouldn't be a problem getting this suit. I honestly think we should get all the movie suits this go around.

I probably missed something, but yeah, that's my list! What suits did I overlook? What suits would you like to see in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? Tell me in the comments below.


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